2nd October 2024 - Irama Room (Wednesday-Day 1)
0800 - 0900: Arrival & Registration
0900 - 0920: Welcoming Speech & Doa Recitation
0920 - 1025: Opening Speech & Ceremony
- 1025 - 1030: Photography Session
1030 - 1045: Refreshment
1045 - 1130:
Keynote Speaker:
Dato' Professor Dr. Shamala K. Subramaniam
- 1130 - 1215 : Keynote Speaker:
Professor Dr. Deni Darmawan
(Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia-UPI)
1215 - 1230:
Photography Session
1245 - 1400:
Lunch Break
1400 - 1515: Parallel Sessions A
1515 - 1630: Refreshment
1530 - 1700:
Parallel Sessions B
3rd October 2024 - Irama Room (Thursday-Day 2)
0800 - 0900: Arrival & Registration
0900 - 0940: Keynote Speaker:
Emeritus Professor Doo-Hwan Bae
(School of Computing & Director, SW Education Centre, KAIST)
0940 – 1020:
Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Yew Choong Chew
(AMBANK Group)
1020 - 1100: Keynote Speaker:
Professor Ts. Dr. Rusli Hj. Abdullah
1100 - 1105:
Photography Session
1105 - 1120:
1120 - 1240:
Parallel Sessions C
1240 - 1400: Lunch Break
1400 - 1500: Parallel Sessions D
1500 - 1530: Refreshment
1530 - 1630: Parallel Sessions E
1630 - 1730: Best Paper Award and Closing Ceremony
- Remark: MYT or GMT+8
[Download Parallel Sessions Schedule]
(updated 27 Sept 2024)
Guideline for Presentations:
The presentations will operate in virtual and physical mode. Please review the following guidelines for each mode:
Physical Presentations
- You are given 10 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for the Q&A session. Email your presentation slides to aiic@upm.edu.my by 27 September 2024 (Friday). Please name your file using your paper ID and the presenter’s name (e.g., JPID1_Ahmad_slide).
Virtual Presentations
- To ensure a smooth program flow, you are requested to submit a 10-minute (maximum duration) video presentation (in .mp4 format) to aiic@upm.edu.my as a backup, by 27 September 2024 (Friday). Please name your file using your paper ID and the presenter’s name (e.g., JPID1_Ahmad_video).
- You are encouraged to deliver your presentation LIVE during the session.
- The virtual meeting link will be emailed to the presenter/corresponding author.
No-Show Policy
- For both virtual or physical modes, at least one representative must be present on-site or online (both for presentation and Q&A session) for the paper to be published.